Need a Building Sign for Your Dental Office in Elmhurst IL?

Building Signs for Dental Offices in Elmhurst IL

Kopp Dental & Associates practices restorative, family, and cosmetic dentistry. The clinic is located at 188 North York Street. Recently, the management team determined that it was time to invest in more visible building signs for dental offices in Elmhurst, IL. Our sign shop was happy to assist the client with this project.

Brand-Focused Non-Illuminated Pan Sign Checks Several Boxes

Building Signs for Dental Offices in Elmhurst IL

The team was looking for a product that would help patients locate the clinic from across a parking lot. The white-on-black lettering makes this possible. Also, the letters are sufficiently tall to be read with ease from a distance. However, there is more to the sign.

For example, look closely, and you will notice that we added the clinic’s website address. It is an excellent way of encouraging the consumer to interact with the business online. Moreover, the inclusion of the corporate logo succeeds in building brand awareness among passersby. Even though they might not need a dentist today, they will remember this sign when the need comes up.

Illuminated or Non-Illuminated Signage?

Match Your Building Signs with other Marketing Tools in Elmhurst IL
Notice how their building sign matches their website graphics!

This client declined to order a product with built-in LEDs. The decision makes perfect sense because the sign is situated right underneath a wired facade light. Therefore, the illumination will create a highly visible presentation of the lettering after dark. Other clients also decide not to order signage with built-in lighting if pole lights are near the sign. For example, if a monument sign is right underneath a light pole, additional illumination is generally not needed.

Building Signs for Dentists in Elmhurst IL

On the other side of the equation is the client who requires built-in illumination. This is typically the case with channel letters and box cabinets. These signs create the facade illumination that further helps customers with wayfinding. For a monument sign or pylon, the lighting signals the presence of the company to drivers. Of course, some clients choose to buy signs with built-in LEDs because it is convenient to have the signage light up reliably — particularly if the building light or pole lamp burns out.

Is a Pan Sign Right for You?

The pan sign is advantageous because it installs to any surface, looks professional, is budget-friendly, and allows for complete customization. However, it is interesting to note that it is not your only option when shopping for a building sign.

  • 3D letters. Channel letters are three-dimensional and allow for built-in LEDs. If you are not looking for lighting, we recommend using acrylic, metal, or foam letters. These are typically an inch thick, which creates an attractive 3D effect on any facade.
  • Blade sign. The blade is a product that we mount perpendicular to the wall. Its primary appeal is that it juts out from the wall, making your business stand out and targeting foot or vehicle traffic from either side of the street. These signs can feature built-in illumination.
  • Box cabinet. This is another sign that is typically sold with built-in lighting. We can use a traditional, flat-facing or install an embossed pan face front.

Are you looking for building signs for dental offices in Elmhurst, IL? Maybe you need a set of building letters for a retail location or office. We can help. Connect with our office today to speak with our graphic artist!