Advertising Agency Changes Logo and Adds New Building Sign in Elmhurst IL

New Building Sign in Elmhurst IL

Located at 103 West Arthur Street, FoodMix is in the business of growing food-related brands with innovative advertising campaigns. When it came time to rebrand and keep in step with a changing consumer demographic, the firm contacted our sign shop to assist with the project of putting up a new building sign in Elmhurst, IL.

Following the Client’s Lead for a Sign Upgrade

New Building Sign in Elmhurst IL

The client explained that the firm wanted to change the logo on the existing sign. This product consists of an aluminum composite panel that was painted and had been treated with vinyl on top. Once our technicians removed the vinyl, there was ghosting on the paint.

Ghosting refers to the formation of patches and some streaks caused by the damage to the vinyl from prolonged sun exposure. Therefore, it was not possible to just apply die-cut vinyl. Otherwise, the ghosting would be visible. So, our team changed gears and printed a whole overlay that perfectly matched the sign’s base color.

The finished building sign looks precisely as the client had intended it to look. Moreover, our technicians found a way to work around the challenges without telling the client the project could not be completed as discussed.

Solving Problems is Part of a Full-Service Sign Shop’s Job

We do not like to tell our clients that we cannot do a project. Moreover, whenever possible, we want to save our clients money. As a result, we look for out-of-the-box solutions to challenges that might not become apparent until halfway through the project.

A good example is the client who wants channel letters but has a building facade that does not allow a flush mount. In this scenario, we would suggest the use of a raceway. It lets us place the electrical components on the front of the building with a thin box. Our technicians can hide the box in plain sight by painting this part of the product in the same color as the facade.

With this aspect of the project completed, we mount the letters to the box’s front, which boosts the 3D appearance of the signage. It is a win-win.

Another workaround is the refurbishing of existing signs rather than a total replacement. For example, if you have a monument sign on your property, there is a good chance that we can refurbish it with your brand information. It saves you the expense of uninstalling the product and putting up a new one. Of course, whenever you prefer to have a new sign, we can certainly accommodate you.

Discuss Your Next Signage Project with Our Specialists

Do you need a new building sign in Elmhurst, IL? Are you interested in learning more about refurbishing a sign that you already have on your property? We can help! Our specialists will gladly come to your location for a site survey. At that time, we take measurements, discuss signage options, and provide you with the information necessary to decide on materials, installation methods, and the product’s overall look.

Call us today to book your appointment!