Forum Health embraces a path toward true wellness. Located at 2907 Butterfield Road, the clinic provides an integrative root-cause approach to care. When the management team needed reception signs for medical offices in Oak Brook, IL, a representative contacted us to take on this project.
Brushed Metal Imbues the Space with a Brand-Focused Look That Appeals to Patients
Although the clinic’s corporate palette favors green hues, the client chose brushed metal for the design of the lobby sign. The reason is simple. Metal is the type of material that imbues a space with a brand message all of its own. It signals to a patient that the clinic has standing power and uses well-established policies.
Besides that, brushed metal is a visually attractive product that fits well with any interior décor. We also manufactured a second sign that we installed on the front of the reception desk for this clinic. Its three-dimensional presentation looks appealing and drives home the brand message.
The combination of the signs ensures that the room has a balanced look and feel.
Dual Lobby Signs? We Do Those!
Installing two signs in a reception area is not a new trend. Rather, it is an excellent opportunity for capitalizing on the color play of the corporate palette and the presentation of a symbol. In some cases, companies opt to have the main lobby sign placed on the front of an imposing reception desk. A smaller sign that replicates its messages is then placed on a different wall.
Another option is the introduction of the company’s name on the desk. However, instead of repeating the name on a wall, the client might opt for displaying the corporate symbol. In this situation, a client might ask us to place the style elements of the logo right behind the desk, where it is centered above the letters on the front of the furniture.
When you like to use three-dimensional letters, numbers, and elements of the logo, this setup is an ideal alternative to the standard wall mount of the message.
Other Innovative Lobby Sign Ideas for a New Consumer Interaction with Your Brand
Take a page from Forum Health’s playbook and choose dual reception signs for medical offices in Oak Brook, IL. However, if you do not have a large reception desk facing the entrance, or if you want to keep text and symbol together, there are other choices. A good example is the design of a logo board featuring an acrylic or metal panel. We can imprint the material or install a branded vinyl overlay.
Another option is the design, production, and installation of vinyl letters and graphics. These are fantastic options for making your corporate persona a more significant part of the reception area experience. Because we can make the style elements as large as you like, they can begin on a wall and continue on a desk – or several desks.
When you need something that looks innovative and few others have, entrust us with the project. Discuss your reception signage questions today by calling our shop now!